Thursday, September 15, 2011


What is the universal "first thought" when it comes to getting healthy? Either diet, or exercise, in the form of RUNNING. Good running shoes are important, as comfort is an important factor in maintaining the desire/motivation to continue the exercise. So whether you associate this sticker with the shoe, or with the activity, THIS IS PUBLIC HEALTH!

-Timothy Perdue

This is Public Health

With hundreds of labs on campus, BYU has an enormous job managing all of the biological and chemical waste. It is important that standards are kept and met so that the enviroment and subsequently us are protected.

- Nick Teodoro

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

One reason public health still exists is due to those in the field's awareness of the need for adaptability of the definition overtime. To me, my sixteen year old brother with his laptop on, headphones in, texting his girlfriend is the definition of public health as it expands and changes with each generation. (Plus he thinks the sticker is a pretty cool asset to his computer.)
-Heather Eaton

Monday, September 12, 2011

This Is Public Health!

Awareness and education are two of the most important parts of Public Health.Cures and preventions would be pointless if never conveyed to the public. Missionaries are great examples of community members well educated in the benefits of Public Health who return their knowledge to help bless others!
-Bryant Giles